Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wanting to make a difference.

A few months ago I had an assignment to write about what career I wanted in the future.  I chose psychology.  Some were surprised, but not my step-mom.  She was actually the one that made me consider this as a career.  She told me that I was a very good listener, empathetic and always tried to really learn what makes people different  or better yet, unique. This has sparked my interest to pursue all avenues to helping others.

Those that know me, know I'm obsessed with social media.  I think this all started with my dad and his blog, Pedal Brake Pedal, he started in 2006.  I was impressed with how many people followed him and were interested in the things he had to say.  He gave me permission to start my own blog, Hanna Rocks Your Socks in 2009.  It was just for fun, but it started my interest into the world of social media.  Next came Facebook, Twitter, Vine and Instagram, it's my favorite, now I'm considered "Instafamous".

Recently I have figured out the secret to increase followers and how to reach out to those in need.  (I see a webinar in my future.) When I found those in need I wanted to help boost their self esteem and tell them they are beautiful. I couldn't believe how many people would post about how ugly they felt, the self harm they inflicted, how alone they felt. Many were depressed and some admitting they hated themselves.  I decided that I would comment on these posts and let them know that they are not ugly, but also try to actually help them. I wanted them to see the reasons for living. Some responded thanking me for my comments and some even said I made their day.  I had a few people wanting to get in closer contact by using the app "kik". It is a texting app, not giving out your number, but just giving out a username.  I talked to them individually to help them with their problems

When I shared this with my step-mom, she told me that she was proud of me and that I may have even saved someone's life.  I was shocked that a positive comment could be so powerful, but I know that there have been days when just one comment can make the difference between a good day and a bad day, maybe even life or death.  This is why I have decided to start a new blog; one that I hope many will read and will make a difference in helping girls feel beautiful in mind, body and spirit. 

My goal is to share my journey through high school with all the ups and downs as I learn who I am and what I want to achieve.  I will be sharing pictures, videos, thoughts, ideas,  research, information and interviews of women role models and webinars.  I hope that by sharing my journey it will help other girls become the very best they can be, never feeling alone or ugly again. I want everyone to feel like they are worth it, and know that there is someone out there that does care and wants to help.

Share if you believe in my goal and help me spread the word. 

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